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This notebooks covers AutoML utilities of ETNA library.

Table of contents

  • Hyperparameters tuning

    • How Tune works

    • Example

  • General AutoML

    • How Auto works

    • Example

  • Summary

!pip install "etna[auto, prophet]" -q
import warnings

import pandas as pd

from etna.datasets import TSDataset
from etna.metrics import SMAPE
from etna.models import LinearPerSegmentModel
from etna.pipeline import Pipeline
from etna.transforms import DateFlagsTransform
from etna.transforms import LagTransform

1. Hyperparameters tuning#

It is a common task to tune hyperparameters of existing pipeline to improve its quality. For this purpose there is an class, which is responsible for creating optuna study to solve this problem.

In the next sections we will see how it works and how to use it for your particular problems.

1.1 How Tune works#

During init Tune accepts pipeline, its tuning parameters (params_to_tune), optimization metric (target_metric), parameters of backtest and parameters of optuna study.

In fit the optuna study is created. During each trial the sample of parameters is generated from params_to_tune and applied to pipeline. After that, the new pipeline is checked in backtest and target metric is returned to optuna framework.

Let’s look closer at params_to_tune parameter. It expects dictionary with parameter names and its distributions. But how this parameter names should be chosen?

1.1.1 set_params#

We are going to make a little detour to explain the set_params method, which is supported by ETNA pipelines, models and transforms. Given a dictionary with parameters it allows to create from existing object a new one with changed parameters.

First, we define some objects for our future examples.

model = LinearPerSegmentModel()
transforms = [
    LagTransform(in_column="target", lags=list(range(HORIZON, HORIZON + 10)), out_column="target_lag"),
pipeline = Pipeline(model=model, transforms=transforms, horizon=HORIZON)

Let’s look at simple example, when we want to change fit_intercept parameter of the model.

{'fit_intercept': True,
 'kwargs': {},
 '_target_': 'etna.models.linear.LinearPerSegmentModel'}
new_model_params = {"fit_intercept": False}
new_model = model.set_params(**new_model_params)
{'fit_intercept': False,
 'kwargs': {},
 '_target_': 'etna.models.linear.LinearPerSegmentModel'}

Great! On the next step we want to change the fit_intercept of model inside the pipeline.

{'model': {'fit_intercept': True,
  'kwargs': {},
  '_target_': 'etna.models.linear.LinearPerSegmentModel'},
 'transforms': [{'in_column': 'target',
   'lags': [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23],
   'out_column': 'target_lag',
   '_target_': 'etna.transforms.math.lags.LagTransform'},
  {'day_number_in_week': True,
   'day_number_in_month': True,
   'day_number_in_year': False,
   'week_number_in_month': False,
   'week_number_in_year': False,
   'month_number_in_year': False,
   'season_number': False,
   'year_number': False,
   'is_weekend': True,
   'special_days_in_week': (),
   'special_days_in_month': (),
   'out_column': 'date_flags',
   '_target_': 'etna.transforms.timestamp.date_flags.DateFlagsTransform'}],
 'horizon': 14,
 '_target_': 'etna.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline'}
new_pipeline_params = {"model.fit_intercept": False}
new_pipeline = pipeline.set_params(**new_pipeline_params)
{'model': {'fit_intercept': False,
  'kwargs': {},
  '_target_': 'etna.models.linear.LinearPerSegmentModel'},
 'transforms': [{'in_column': 'target',
   'lags': [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23],
   'out_column': 'target_lag',
   '_target_': 'etna.transforms.math.lags.LagTransform'},
  {'day_number_in_week': True,
   'day_number_in_month': True,
   'day_number_in_year': False,
   'week_number_in_month': False,
   'week_number_in_year': False,
   'month_number_in_year': False,
   'season_number': False,
   'year_number': False,
   'is_weekend': True,
   'special_days_in_week': (),
   'special_days_in_month': (),
   'out_column': 'date_flags',
   '_target_': 'etna.transforms.timestamp.date_flags.DateFlagsTransform'}],
 'horizon': 14,
 '_target_': 'etna.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline'}

Ok, it looks like we managed to do this. On the last step we are going to change is_weekend flag of DateFlagsTransform inside our pipeline.

new_pipeline_params = {"transforms.1.is_weekend": False}
new_pipeline = pipeline.set_params(**new_pipeline_params)
{'model': {'fit_intercept': True,
  'kwargs': {},
  '_target_': 'etna.models.linear.LinearPerSegmentModel'},
 'transforms': [{'in_column': 'target',
   'lags': [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23],
   'out_column': 'target_lag',
   '_target_': 'etna.transforms.math.lags.LagTransform'},
  {'day_number_in_week': True,
   'day_number_in_month': True,
   'day_number_in_year': False,
   'week_number_in_month': False,
   'week_number_in_year': False,
   'month_number_in_year': False,
   'season_number': False,
   'year_number': False,
   'is_weekend': False,
   'special_days_in_week': (),
   'special_days_in_month': (),
   'out_column': 'date_flags',
   '_target_': 'etna.transforms.timestamp.date_flags.DateFlagsTransform'}],
 'horizon': 14,
 '_target_': 'etna.pipeline.pipeline.Pipeline'}

As we can see, we managed to do this.

1.1.2 params_to_tune#

Let’s get back to our initial question about params_to_tune. In our optuna study we are going to sample each parameter value from its distribution and pass it into pipeline.set_params method. So, the keys for params_to_tune should be a valid for set_params method.

Distributions are taken from etna.distributions and they are matching optuna.Trial.suggest_ methods.

For example, something like this will be valid for our pipeline defined above:

from etna.distributions import CategoricalDistribution

example_params_to_tune = {
    "model.fit_intercept": CategoricalDistribution([False, True]),
    "transforms.0.is_weekend": CategoricalDistribution([False, True]),

There are some good news: it isn’t necessary for our users to define params_to_tune, because we have a default grid for many of our classes. The default grid is available by calling params_to_tune method on pipeline, model or transform. Let’s check our pipeline:

{'model.fit_intercept': CategoricalDistribution(choices=[False, True]),
 'transforms.1.day_number_in_week': CategoricalDistribution(choices=[False, True]),
 'transforms.1.day_number_in_month': CategoricalDistribution(choices=[False, True]),
 'transforms.1.day_number_in_year': CategoricalDistribution(choices=[False, True]),
 'transforms.1.week_number_in_month': CategoricalDistribution(choices=[False, True]),
 'transforms.1.week_number_in_year': CategoricalDistribution(choices=[False, True]),
 'transforms.1.month_number_in_year': CategoricalDistribution(choices=[False, True]),
 'transforms.1.season_number': CategoricalDistribution(choices=[False, True]),
 'transforms.1.year_number': CategoricalDistribution(choices=[False, True]),
 'transforms.1.is_weekend': CategoricalDistribution(choices=[False, True])}

Now we are ready to use it in practice.

1.2 Example#

1.2.1 Loading data#

Let’s start by loading example data.

df = pd.read_csv("data/example_dataset.csv")
timestamp segment target
0 2019-01-01 segment_a 170
1 2019-01-02 segment_a 243
2 2019-01-03 segment_a 267
3 2019-01-04 segment_a 287
4 2019-01-05 segment_a 279
full_ts = TSDataset(df, freq="D")

Let’s divide current dataset into train and validation parts. We will use validation part later to check final results.

ts, _ = full_ts.train_test_split(test_size=HORIZON * 5)

1.2.2 Running Tune#

We are going to define our Tune object:

from import Tune

tune = Tune(pipeline=pipeline, target_metric=SMAPE(), horizon=HORIZON, backtest_params=dict(n_folds=5))

We used mostly default parameters for this example. But for your own experiments you might want to also set up other parameters.

For example, parameter runner allows you to run tuning in parallel on a local machine, and parameter storage makes it possible to store optuna results on a dedicated remote server.

For a full list of parameters we advise you to check our documentation.

Let’s hide the logs of optuna, there are too many of them for a notebook.

import optuna


Let’s run the tuning

best_pipeline =, n_trials=20)

Command %%capture just hides the output.

1.2.3 Analysis#

In the last section dedicated to Tune we will look at methods for result analysis.

First of all there is summary method that shows us the results of optuna trials.

pipeline hash Sign_median Sign_mean Sign_std Sign_percentile_5 Sign_percentile_25 Sign_percentile_75 Sign_percentile_95 SMAPE_median ... MSE_percentile_75 MSE_percentile_95 MedAE_median MedAE_mean MedAE_std MedAE_percentile_5 MedAE_percentile_25 MedAE_percentile_75 MedAE_percentile_95 state
0 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... f4f02e1d5f60b8f322a4a8a622dd1c1e -0.500000 -0.478571 0.205204 -0.672857 -0.621429 -0.357143 -0.254286 5.806429 ... 2220.282484 2953.865443 21.000232 22.334611 8.070926 14.955846 18.861388 24.473455 31.581505 TrialState.COMPLETE
1 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 3d7b7af16d71a36f3b935f69e113e22d -0.457143 -0.485714 0.242437 -0.745714 -0.642857 -0.300000 -0.265714 5.856039 ... 2644.982216 3294.855806 22.762122 23.389796 8.482028 14.897792 19.344439 26.807479 32.760543 TrialState.COMPLETE
2 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 7c7932114268832a5458acfecfb453fc -0.200000 -0.271429 0.264447 -0.581429 -0.392857 -0.078571 -0.061429 5.693983 ... 3457.757162 4209.624737 22.572681 23.336111 12.049564 11.235277 18.503043 27.405750 36.505748 TrialState.COMPLETE
3 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... b7ac5f7fcf9c8959626befe263a9d561 0.000000 -0.085714 0.211248 -0.340000 -0.100000 0.014286 0.048571 7.881275 ... 5039.841145 5665.228696 35.976862 33.937644 17.252826 14.444379 27.282228 42.632278 50.576005 TrialState.COMPLETE
4 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... e928929f89156d88ef49e28abaf55847 -0.414286 -0.421429 0.207840 -0.620000 -0.585714 -0.250000 -0.232857 6.032319 ... 3091.962427 3181.592755 23.166650 25.265089 13.224461 13.001779 18.666844 29.764896 40.466215 TrialState.COMPLETE
5 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 3b4311d41fcaab7307235ea23b6d4599 -0.400000 -0.385714 0.396927 -0.788571 -0.514286 -0.271429 0.037143 6.653462 ... 3800.976318 4837.444681 35.792514 32.276030 16.296588 13.499409 24.106508 43.962035 46.129572 TrialState.COMPLETE
6 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 74065ebc11c81bed6a9819d026c7cd84 -0.442857 -0.435714 0.246196 -0.672857 -0.621429 -0.257143 -0.188571 5.739626 ... 2933.246064 4802.299660 27.304852 24.936077 8.294963 15.108636 21.478207 30.762723 31.447233 TrialState.COMPLETE
7 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... b0d0420255c6117045f8254bf8f377a0 -0.442857 -0.464286 0.260167 -0.725714 -0.657143 -0.250000 -0.232857 6.042134 ... 2682.735922 3688.168155 28.393903 25.819143 8.652993 15.618131 21.989342 32.223704 32.415490 TrialState.COMPLETE
8 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 25dcd8bb095f87a1ffc499fa6a83ef5d -0.457143 -0.457143 0.265986 -0.705714 -0.671429 -0.242857 -0.208571 5.869280 ... 3098.567787 3154.538337 22.380642 24.289797 11.998603 13.252341 19.168974 27.501465 38.000072 TrialState.COMPLETE
9 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 3f1ca1759261598081fa3bb2f32fe0ac -0.414286 -0.435714 0.292654 -0.725714 -0.657143 -0.192857 -0.175714 6.608191 ... 3044.388978 3611.477391 23.750327 26.488927 13.825791 14.242057 20.027917 30.211337 42.569838 TrialState.COMPLETE
10 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 -0.157143 -0.185714 0.226779 -0.431429 -0.328571 -0.014286 0.020000 5.974832 ... 2902.306123 3526.513999 17.027383 21.682156 15.988286 9.110958 11.100846 27.608693 40.770037 TrialState.COMPLETE
11 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 -0.157143 -0.185714 0.226779 -0.431429 -0.328571 -0.014286 0.020000 5.974832 ... 2902.306123 3526.513999 17.027383 21.682156 15.988286 9.110958 11.100846 27.608693 40.770037 TrialState.COMPLETE
12 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 -0.157143 -0.185714 0.226779 -0.431429 -0.328571 -0.014286 0.020000 5.974832 ... 2902.306123 3526.513999 17.027383 21.682156 15.988286 9.110958 11.100846 27.608693 40.770037 TrialState.COMPLETE
13 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 -0.157143 -0.185714 0.226779 -0.431429 -0.328571 -0.014286 0.020000 5.974832 ... 2902.306123 3526.513999 17.027383 21.682156 15.988286 9.110958 11.100846 27.608693 40.770037 TrialState.COMPLETE
14 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 -0.157143 -0.185714 0.226779 -0.431429 -0.328571 -0.014286 0.020000 5.974832 ... 2902.306123 3526.513999 17.027383 21.682156 15.988286 9.110958 11.100846 27.608693 40.770037 TrialState.COMPLETE
15 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 -0.157143 -0.185714 0.226779 -0.431429 -0.328571 -0.014286 0.020000 5.974832 ... 2902.306123 3526.513999 17.027383 21.682156 15.988286 9.110958 11.100846 27.608693 40.770037 TrialState.COMPLETE
16 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 -0.157143 -0.185714 0.226779 -0.431429 -0.328571 -0.014286 0.020000 5.974832 ... 2902.306123 3526.513999 17.027383 21.682156 15.988286 9.110958 11.100846 27.608693 40.770037 TrialState.COMPLETE
17 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 -0.157143 -0.185714 0.226779 -0.431429 -0.328571 -0.014286 0.020000 5.974832 ... 2902.306123 3526.513999 17.027383 21.682156 15.988286 9.110958 11.100846 27.608693 40.770037 TrialState.COMPLETE
18 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 6f595f4f43b323804c04d4cea49c169b -0.414286 -0.435714 0.325242 -0.754286 -0.685714 -0.164286 -0.147143 5.657316 ... 2247.347025 2681.501259 21.624614 22.111993 7.952462 14.197890 17.080865 26.655742 30.708428 TrialState.COMPLETE
19 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 -0.157143 -0.185714 0.226779 -0.431429 -0.328571 -0.014286 0.020000 5.974832 ... 2902.306123 3526.513999 17.027383 21.682156 15.988286 9.110958 11.100846 27.608693 40.770037 TrialState.COMPLETE

20 rows × 38 columns

Let’s show only the columns we are interested in.

tune.summary()[["hash", "pipeline", "SMAPE_mean", "state"]].sort_values("SMAPE_mean")
hash pipeline SMAPE_mean state
19 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8.556535 TrialState.COMPLETE
17 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8.556535 TrialState.COMPLETE
16 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8.556535 TrialState.COMPLETE
15 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8.556535 TrialState.COMPLETE
14 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8.556535 TrialState.COMPLETE
13 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8.556535 TrialState.COMPLETE
12 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8.556535 TrialState.COMPLETE
10 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8.556535 TrialState.COMPLETE
11 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8.556535 TrialState.COMPLETE
2 7c7932114268832a5458acfecfb453fc Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 9.210183 TrialState.COMPLETE
8 25dcd8bb095f87a1ffc499fa6a83ef5d Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 9.943658 TrialState.COMPLETE
4 e928929f89156d88ef49e28abaf55847 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 9.946866 TrialState.COMPLETE
0 f4f02e1d5f60b8f322a4a8a622dd1c1e Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 9.957781 TrialState.COMPLETE
18 6f595f4f43b323804c04d4cea49c169b Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.061742 TrialState.COMPLETE
1 3d7b7af16d71a36f3b935f69e113e22d Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.306909 TrialState.COMPLETE
9 3f1ca1759261598081fa3bb2f32fe0ac Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.554444 TrialState.COMPLETE
5 3b4311d41fcaab7307235ea23b6d4599 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.756703 TrialState.COMPLETE
6 74065ebc11c81bed6a9819d026c7cd84 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.917164 TrialState.COMPLETE
3 b7ac5f7fcf9c8959626befe263a9d561 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 11.255320 TrialState.COMPLETE
7 b0d0420255c6117045f8254bf8f377a0 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 11.478760 TrialState.COMPLETE

As we can see, we have duplicate lines according to the hash column. Some trials have the same sampled hyperparameters and they have the same results. We have a special handling for such duplicates: they are skipped during optimization and the previously computed metric values are returned.

Duplicates on the summary can be eliminated using hash column.

tune.summary()[["hash", "pipeline", "SMAPE_mean", "state"]].sort_values("SMAPE_mean").drop_duplicates(subset="hash")
hash pipeline SMAPE_mean state
19 8363309e454e72993f86f10c7fc7c137 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 8.556535 TrialState.COMPLETE
2 7c7932114268832a5458acfecfb453fc Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 9.210183 TrialState.COMPLETE
8 25dcd8bb095f87a1ffc499fa6a83ef5d Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 9.943658 TrialState.COMPLETE
4 e928929f89156d88ef49e28abaf55847 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 9.946866 TrialState.COMPLETE
0 f4f02e1d5f60b8f322a4a8a622dd1c1e Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 9.957781 TrialState.COMPLETE
18 6f595f4f43b323804c04d4cea49c169b Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.061742 TrialState.COMPLETE
1 3d7b7af16d71a36f3b935f69e113e22d Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.306909 TrialState.COMPLETE
9 3f1ca1759261598081fa3bb2f32fe0ac Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.554444 TrialState.COMPLETE
5 3b4311d41fcaab7307235ea23b6d4599 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.756703 TrialState.COMPLETE
6 74065ebc11c81bed6a9819d026c7cd84 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.917164 TrialState.COMPLETE
3 b7ac5f7fcf9c8959626befe263a9d561 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 11.255320 TrialState.COMPLETE
7 b0d0420255c6117045f8254bf8f377a0 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 11.478760 TrialState.COMPLETE

The second method top_k is useful when you want to check out best tried pipelines without duplicates.

top_3_pipelines = tune.top_k(k=3)
[Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_intercept = True, ), transforms = [LagTransform(in_column = 'target', lags = [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], out_column = 'target_lag', ), DateFlagsTransform(day_number_in_week = False, day_number_in_month = True, day_number_in_year = False, week_number_in_month = True, week_number_in_year = False, month_number_in_year = False, season_number = False, year_number = False, is_weekend = True, special_days_in_week = (), special_days_in_month = (), out_column = 'date_flags', )], horizon = 14, ),
 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_intercept = True, ), transforms = [LagTransform(in_column = 'target', lags = [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], out_column = 'target_lag', ), DateFlagsTransform(day_number_in_week = False, day_number_in_month = True, day_number_in_year = False, week_number_in_month = True, week_number_in_year = False, month_number_in_year = False, season_number = False, year_number = False, is_weekend = False, special_days_in_week = (), special_days_in_month = (), out_column = 'date_flags', )], horizon = 14, ),
 Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_intercept = False, ), transforms = [LagTransform(in_column = 'target', lags = [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], out_column = 'target_lag', ), DateFlagsTransform(day_number_in_week = True, day_number_in_month = False, day_number_in_year = True, week_number_in_month = False, week_number_in_year = False, month_number_in_year = False, season_number = False, year_number = True, is_weekend = False, special_days_in_week = (), special_days_in_month = (), out_column = 'date_flags', )], horizon = 14, )]

2. General AutoML#

Hyperparameters tuning is useful, but can be too narrow. In this section we move our attention to general AutoML pipeline. In ETNA we have an class for making automatic pipeline selection. It can be useful to quickly create a good baseline for your forecasting task.

2.1 How Auto works#

Auto init has similar parameters to Tune, but instead of pipeline it works with pool. Pool, in general, is just a list of pipelines.

During fit there are two stages:

  • pool stage,

  • tuning stage.

Pool stage is responsible for checking every pipeline suggested in a given pool. For each pipeline we run a backtest and compute target_metric. Results are saved in optuna study.

Tuning stage takes tune_size best pipelines according to the resuls of the pool stage. And then runs Tune with default params_to_tune for them sequentially from best to the worst.

Limit parameters n_trials and timeout are shared between pool and tuning stages. First, we run pool stage with given n_trials and timeout. After that, the remaining values are divided equally among tune_size tuning steps.

2.2 Example#

We will move stright to the example.

from import Auto

auto = Auto(target_metric=SMAPE(), horizon=HORIZON, backtest_params=dict(n_folds=5))

We used mostly default parameters, even pool. There is also a default sampler, but to make results more reproducible we fixed the seed.

Let’s start the fitting. We can start by running only pool stage.

best_pool_pipeline =, tune_size=0)
auto.summary()[["hash", "pipeline", "SMAPE_mean", "state", "study"]].sort_values("SMAPE_mean")
hash pipeline SMAPE_mean state study
9 af8088ac0abfde46e93a8dbb407a2117 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(itera... 5.057438 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
0 d8215d95e2c6c9a4b4fdacf3fa77dddc Pipeline(model = NaiveModel(lag = 7, ), transf... 5.164436 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
2 8f640faabcac0552153ca19337179f3b Pipeline(model = HoltWintersModel(trend = 'add... 5.931951 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
16 d6a44adb551f1aec09ef37c14aed260f Pipeline(model = SeasonalMovingAverageModel(wi... 6.197182 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
18 16eb77200eb2fd5dc1f6f2a5067884cd Pipeline(model = HoltWintersModel(trend = 'add... 6.347734 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
1 4c07749e913403906cd033e4882fc4f9 Pipeline(model = SeasonalMovingAverageModel(wi... 6.529721 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
12 6e2eb71d033b6d0607f5b6d0a7596ce9 Pipeline(model = ProphetModel(growth = 'linear... 7.792707 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
8 6bb58e7ce09eab00448d5732240ec2ec Pipeline(model = CatBoostMultiSegmentModel(ite... 7.814187 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
4 a640ddfb767ea0cbf31751ddda6e36ee Pipeline(model = CatBoostMultiSegmentModel(ite... 7.816528 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
15 cfeb21bcf2e922a390ade8be9d845e0d Pipeline(model = ProphetModel(growth = 'linear... 7.867342 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
10 a5e036978ef9cc9f297c9eb2c280af05 Pipeline(model = AutoARIMAModel(), transforms ... 8.297048 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
13 2e36e0b9cb67a43bb1bf96fa2ccf718f Pipeline(model = LinearMultiSegmentModel(fit_i... 9.205423 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
5 8b9f5fa09754a80f17380dec2b998f1d Pipeline(model = LinearPerSegmentModel(fit_int... 10.997462 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
3 d62c0579459d4a1b88aea8ed6effdf4e Pipeline(model = MovingAverageModel(window = 1... 11.317256 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
6 5916e5b653295271c79caae490618ee9 Pipeline(model = MovingAverageModel(window = 2... 12.028916 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
19 5a91b6c8acc2c461913df44fd1429375 Pipeline(model = ElasticPerSegmentModel(alpha ... 12.213320 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
7 403b3e18012af5ff9815b408f5c2e47d Pipeline(model = MovingAverageModel(window = 4... 12.243011 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
17 6cf8605e6c513053ac4f5203e330c59d Pipeline(model = HoltWintersModel(trend = None... 15.473118 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
14 53e90ae4cf7f1f71e6396107549c25ef Pipeline(model = NaiveModel(lag = 1, ), transf... 19.361078 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
11 90b31b54cb8c01867be05a3320852682 Pipeline(model = ElasticMultiSegmentModel(alph... 35.971241 TrialState.COMPLETE pool

We can continue our training. The pool stage is over and there will be only the tuning stage. If we don’t want to wait forever we should limit the tuning by fixing n_trials or timeout.

We also set some parameters for optuna.Study.optimize:

  • gc_after_trial=True: to prevent fit from increasing memory consumption

  • catch=(Exception,): to prevent failing if some trials are erroneous.

best_tuning_pipeline =, tune_size=3, n_trials=100, gc_after_trial=True, catch=(Exception,))

Let’s look at the results.

auto.summary()[["hash", "pipeline", "SMAPE_mean", "state", "study"]].sort_values("SMAPE_mean").drop_duplicates(
    subset=("hash", "study")
hash pipeline SMAPE_mean state study
56 419fc80cf634ba0888c4f899f666ad45 Pipeline(model = HoltWintersModel(trend = 'mul... 4.769471 TrialState.COMPLETE tuning/8f640faabcac0552153ca19337179f3b
89 731ccb72a473bec81789b7f186001ddd Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(itera... 4.899715 TrialState.COMPLETE tuning/af8088ac0abfde46e93a8dbb407a2117
97 9c302769456b4adb9143f11c582f7264 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(itera... 4.927197 TrialState.COMPLETE tuning/af8088ac0abfde46e93a8dbb407a2117
88 182c748af70287ab3a12bf32c03320f5 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(itera... 4.941247 TrialState.COMPLETE tuning/af8088ac0abfde46e93a8dbb407a2117
96 4f426335c0eb00d847d9dd1e0a421415 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(itera... 4.977773 TrialState.COMPLETE tuning/af8088ac0abfde46e93a8dbb407a2117
98 2cafd0750f191e7ab2d4160da50a7c64 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(itera... 5.056993 TrialState.COMPLETE tuning/af8088ac0abfde46e93a8dbb407a2117
9 af8088ac0abfde46e93a8dbb407a2117 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(itera... 5.057438 TrialState.COMPLETE pool
75 382825866425cac211691205a9537c95 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(itera... 5.081609 TrialState.COMPLETE tuning/af8088ac0abfde46e93a8dbb407a2117
95 c2a8d498fe35873d060e173e1af042d5 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(itera... 5.117583 TrialState.COMPLETE tuning/af8088ac0abfde46e93a8dbb407a2117
91 035f8e28180bc7491a30b3d0d67060c9 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(itera... 5.135956 TrialState.COMPLETE tuning/af8088ac0abfde46e93a8dbb407a2117
[Pipeline(model = HoltWintersModel(trend = 'mul', damped_trend = False, seasonal = 'mul', seasonal_periods = None, initialization_method = 'estimated', initial_level = None, initial_trend = None, initial_seasonal = None, use_boxcox = True, bounds = None, dates = None, freq = None, missing = 'none', smoothing_level = None, smoothing_trend = None, smoothing_seasonal = None, damping_trend = None, ), transforms = [], horizon = 14, ),
 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(iterations = None, depth = 9, learning_rate = 0.0435214895575014, logging_level = 'Silent', l2_leaf_reg = 1.588756097852857, thread_count = None, random_strength = 0.0001602176189749599, ), transforms = [LagTransform(in_column = 'target', lags = [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], out_column = None, ), DateFlagsTransform(day_number_in_week = True, day_number_in_month = False, day_number_in_year = False, week_number_in_month = False, week_number_in_year = False, month_number_in_year = False, season_number = False, year_number = False, is_weekend = True, special_days_in_week = [], special_days_in_month = [], out_column = None, )], horizon = 14, ),
 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(iterations = None, depth = 10, learning_rate = 0.066387199945575, logging_level = 'Silent', l2_leaf_reg = 3.8476771557403033, thread_count = None, random_strength = 2.6976801196146113e-05, ), transforms = [LagTransform(in_column = 'target', lags = [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], out_column = None, ), DateFlagsTransform(day_number_in_week = True, day_number_in_month = False, day_number_in_year = False, week_number_in_month = False, week_number_in_year = False, month_number_in_year = False, season_number = False, year_number = False, is_weekend = True, special_days_in_week = [], special_days_in_month = [], out_column = None, )], horizon = 14, ),
 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(iterations = None, depth = 8, learning_rate = 0.1368955392889537, logging_level = 'Silent', l2_leaf_reg = 1.8121398100968207, thread_count = None, random_strength = 1.0292981436693363e-05, ), transforms = [LagTransform(in_column = 'target', lags = [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], out_column = None, ), DateFlagsTransform(day_number_in_week = True, day_number_in_month = True, day_number_in_year = True, week_number_in_month = False, week_number_in_year = False, month_number_in_year = False, season_number = False, year_number = False, is_weekend = True, special_days_in_week = [], special_days_in_month = [], out_column = None, )], horizon = 14, ),
 Pipeline(model = CatBoostPerSegmentModel(iterations = None, depth = 10, learning_rate = 0.04930475651736648, logging_level = 'Silent', l2_leaf_reg = 1.2938317623739193, thread_count = None, random_strength = 0.00020141074677370956, ), transforms = [LagTransform(in_column = 'target', lags = [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28], out_column = None, ), DateFlagsTransform(day_number_in_week = True, day_number_in_month = False, day_number_in_year = False, week_number_in_month = False, week_number_in_year = False, month_number_in_year = False, season_number = False, year_number = False, is_weekend = True, special_days_in_week = [], special_days_in_month = [], out_column = None, )], horizon = 14, )]

If we look at study column we will see that best trial from tuning stage is better then best trial from pool stage. It means, that tuning stage was successful and improved the final result.

Let’s compare best pipeline on pool and tuning stages on hold-out part of initial ts.

best_pool_metrics, _, _ = best_pool_pipeline.backtest(ts=full_ts, metrics=[SMAPE()], n_folds=5)
best_tuning_metrics, _, _ = best_tuning_pipeline.backtest(ts=full_ts, metrics=[SMAPE()], n_folds=5)
best_pool_smape = best_pool_metrics["SMAPE"].mean()
best_tuning_smape = best_tuning_metrics["SMAPE"].mean()
print(f"Best pool SMAPE: {best_pool_smape:.3f}")
print(f"Best tuning SMAPE: {best_tuning_smape:.3f}")
Best pool SMAPE: 8.262
Best tuning SMAPE: 8.188

As we can see, the results are slightly better after the tuning stage, but it can be statistically insignificant. For your datasets the results could be different.

3. Summary#

In this notebook we discussed how AutoML works in ETNA library and how to use it. There are two supported scenarios:

  • Tuning your existing pipeline;

  • Automatic search of the pipeline for your forecasting task.